09 413 8184: Who Called Me?

Owned by:
Tech Sky Limited
Blockhouse Bay
Physical address:
Blockhouse Bay

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Company information

Registration date:
2017-01-04 (7 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, 2 days ago)
Company type:
NZ Limited Company (LTD)
Aakash Patel (4/6 Craigbank Ave New Lynn Auckland NZ)
Phone number:
+64 9 4138184 since December 14, 2018, 12:45 am
Company industry:
Sales advisory service. Industry code: M696285

Phone number 094138184 information

Number type:
Location by number:
Auckland - northern suburbs
Last searched:
2024-09-19 12:32:42
Total searches:

This phone number is available in various formats, including:

  • International: +64 9 413 8184 , +64 (9) 413 8184 or +64 9-413-8184
  • Local: 09 413 8184, (09) 413 8184
  • Other possible formats: 094138184, +6494138184

These formats represent the same New Zealand phone number but provide flexibility in how the number is displayed and dialed. Whether you are calling locally or from abroad, you can use any of these formats to reach the same phone number.

Tech Sky Limited reviews there are no reviews yet
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